Panel Pictures

Attention Class of 2024 Seniors and Parents!

Chisholm High School
August 18, 2023

You can make your Senior appointment at click on:

Make your Senior appointment.

Once there, you will be able to choose your time and pay your $20.00 sitting fee.

After picture day, you will receive a link to your photo gallery containing

your proofs to the email you provide to us.

(Please do not use school email, emails from outside the school district are normally filtered out.)

If you haven’t received your email within 7 days, please check your SPAM
folder first then email: and we will assist you!
The gallery is where you can view, purchase AND choose your picture for your
school use! If you don’t choose your Senior image by December 1, 2023, one will

be chosen for you.
Please bring:

Girls – Your Sunday best and an additional outfit if you choose to take advantage of another
Boys – Wear or bring a dress shirt with a suit jacket and tie. If you choose to take advantage of
another background, feel free to bring a change of clothes!

Questions: Email us at: