CES students were so excited to "send-off" the Volleyball girls to STATE this morning!
Star Students of the Month for August
All CES students are encouraged to help us fill shoe boxes with special items for Samaritan's Purse-Operation Christmas Child. These shoe boxes will be sent around the world to less fortunate children. We need LOTS of shoe boxes!! A note was sent home last week will all the details.
Look who showed up to load cars this afternoon!
Thank you to Jeff Ball and Randy Gilbert (from Bayer) for coming out today to present CES with a check for $25,000! Also, a shout out to Mr. Blough and Mrs. Detrick for writing the grant to America's Farmers Grow Rural Education to equip our new STEM room at the elementary. Great job you two!
The theme for homecoming this year is. . . "Hey, Where's Perry?" Here is a list of the CES dress up days:
CES Fleet Feet won the team participation challenge this morning!!
Just want to say thank you to all the families that helped with the Read-a-thon this year. . . the kids raised over $27,000! Way to go CES!
Don't forget to wear your PJs to school on Friday for Read-a-thon Day! Kiddos need to wear regular shoes as they will be going outside for recess.
4th Grade did a fantastic job during our Constitution Day Program yesterday!
Just a reminder that Robotics Club starts tomorrow, September 18, 2019. Parents need to pick up students by 4:30.